This is a space where water is once again connected with its original vibration, is cleansed of memories and is charged with the frequencies of light and Love.
These new frequencies will resonate with those who enter in contactwith the water dispensed by the Emo acting on their physical,energetic, emotional and mental bodies.
Two thirds of our planet and two thirds of our bodies are composed of water.
A harmonious molecular structure and high-level vibration of the water in ourbodies is essential for our physical and energetic wellbeing.Water uses the information it receives to change its molecular structure,raises its energy levels and recovers its natural state.
Emo® reconfigures the molecular structure of water, returning it to itsoriginal perfection.
When in this state, water can act on our energy systemand raise its vibration.
When our vibrations are high we have more energy and our whole body worksin a more harmonious and conscious manner.
From conscience to conscience
How we see it
What happens outside it
Emo is the visible part of a fractal system of frequencies. The same toroid mouvement that forms around the valves of the dodecahedrons, forms arrond the apparatus as a whole.
The vibration energy field that the Emo creates interacts with the ethereal body of those near it, helping it and restoring its balance. Emo is the core of the apple.
What happens inside it
In the first dodecahedron, the gold plates and the quartz resonate as the water passes over them, vibrating with the frequencies of the love and light of the 5th and 6th dimensions. Having been deprogrammed of its old memories, the water takes on these new frequencies to carry them throughout its cycle. Matter takes the form of the frequency. Creation continues.
Second dodecahedron:
Second cone:
Technical data
and Manufacturing